Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tacticool Training Session & A Very Rewarding Day

TDS: Give your dog a Tacticool Advantage 

     Today was one of those days where we just had to get out of the house and go do something. The sun was out, it wasn't snowing or raining, and the temperature wasn't too awful cold. So we layered up, grabbed our TDS Leashes, and Amanda and I took Toby and Phinley out to dog park. There are some agility obstacles at the park, so I decided to use my Tacticool Dog Sling for some impromptu "tactical" field training with Phinley. We had a great time and Phinley did awesome! She was jumping three foot walls, weaving poles, and traversing A-frames! It was a lot of fun, and the Tacticool Dog Sling proved it's worthiness in tackling each of the obstacles with ease!
Phinley conquers the wall

... and tackles the A-frame

     Most importantly, we met up with one of our field testers today. Paul is a local,  former (once a Marine always a Marine) Marine with a service dog. We decided to donate a leash to Paul and his service dog, Dingo, in exchange for Paul's feedback while he uses his TDS. Dingo is a 55lb Australian Kelpie who goes everywhere with Paul.

Generic Picture of an Australian Kelpie

     One thing that was important to Paul is to have a traffic loop to keep Dingo close while walking indoors and in crowded areas. The Tacticool Dog Sling is able to accommodate this need by adjusting the dog end of the sling to the appropriate length to create the traffic loop (illustrated in picture below). As Paul walked Dingo around the park, using the TDS, he quickly realized how great the freedom was of having both hands free. He told us he saw a lot of potential in using his TDS in everyday situations with Dingo whether it's grocery shopping, eating at a restaurant, or out for a stroll.

TDS Traffic Handle: Adapt and Overcome

     Paul and Dingo were both really excited to try out their new Tacticool Dog Sling! We wish them both the best of luck and hope to hear back from them soon! We'll be sure to keep you all posted on their progress with the TDS!


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